Hello my fine fellows!

So LAST week was transfers! And we did not get transferred BUT there was a missionary named Elder Harrison who needed to stay with us for a few days because his companion he was getting transferred with was attending a baptism! So we got to be a trio for a few days.
A few perks of being in a trio:
- you always have another male with you so you can teach Women without having to find someone else to joint teach.
- if you stand at the intersection of a hallway you can have both of your comps be down each hall and as long as you can see both of them you're good! You can chain the sight and sound rule!
-its just really fun
So yeah! Transfers went good and I survived.
What else happened... I gave a blessing to one of the sisters friends they were teaching, and that was super cool! I really think it was a learning experience for me and I learned that can use us no matter who we are.
Also, our mission president is leaving soon! So we are all excited/scared to see what happens. We honestly have no idea.
Anyway yeah! We got a whole lot of lessons to teach this coming week and we're hoping to find a lot more people! So I'll let you know how it goes!
Spiritual thought:
So! Hope is a great thing I like about the gospel. In gospel topics it says:
"The word hope is sometimes misunderstood. In our everyday language, the word often has a hint of uncertainty. For example, we may say that we hope for a change in the weather or a visit from a friend. In the language of the gospel, however, the word hope is sure, unwavering, and active."
What hope is, is an understanding of what Jesus Christ did for us. It is knowing that because of the covenants we make, we can surely live again and receive ALL the blessings God wants to give us.
So, I invite you to ponder that this week!
Okay I love you all! Have a good rest of your week! Let me know if I can pray for you or otherwise positively aid you!
-Elder Hatch.