Hello everybody! It's been a while since I've talked to yall but I'm glad to be back and fill you in on what's going on!

So! This last week we got a new mission president! That was kind of scary but also I'm super excited.
We got to meet him, he came and did a tour of our zone. President and Sister Gochnour are SUPER cool, I love them already. They talked to us about how our purpose should be focused on christ, to love God and to love people.
4th of July was good! We didn't teach too many people but we got the afternoon off!
We had a lot of fun watching fireworks from the apartment so it was good. Some guys asked if they could play Cornhole with us so we said sure! I can't remember their names but it was fun anyway.
My birthday was that Saturday, so we decided to celebrate it on pday. We went to Famous Dave's Barbecue (which is very overpriced btw but it was a good time) for dinner, and the Sisters got me a nerf gun for the apartment. The Elders, in true elder fashion, got me a case of mountain dew, so I haven't had to pay for drinks in a while haha. It was all in all a good birthday! I'm 19 now. That's a little crazy if I'm being honest.

Also on my birthday, the sister's friend Lori was baptized, and we were asked to witness for it (also if at this point you're thinking that the sisters get a lot more baptisms than us... you'd be right haha. They work pretty dang hard). It was super good, Lori has a funny personality and a lot of the ward was there. When Lori came out of the font, we could all hear her whisper to the sisters "am I glowing yet?" It was fun. We had super good cupcakes.
Alas, all good things must come to an end. Transfers were this last Saturday, and i found out I was the only missionary in my district, along with Elder Taylor, who would be staying. I said goodbye to Elder Ellis, Elder Fergus, and the NB sisters, and there were a few tears shed. But then we headed off to our areas! Except for me of course.

Elder Child is my new companion. I've only known him for a few days but he's suuuper cool, we get along well so far. We are both high energy people, so I hope we don't scare away any of our people we teach lol.
Anyway, before I go, I just wanted to bear my testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know, and have learned on my mission, that the Book of Mormon is a book of truth. Anything that your soul ponders, it will answer. Even if you don't understand how at the time. It has lead me to find and teach people, and helped them understand what they need to know. So, id invite you to share it! Share a favorite verse with someone, whether it be in a facebook post on social media, or in a text, or in person or whatever. Just do it. I KNOW it will bless you.
K, I love you all! Stay safe and follow the spirit!
-Elder Hatch