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Christmas ✨️Miracle✨

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

This Christmas Sunday went by so quick it didn't even feel like Christmas SO busy.Went to 2 Sacrament meetings, one in the morning and one in the afternoon!

Remember that Chinese family that I met a couple of weeks ago on the bus? They came this Sunday️. And the whole time I was stressing cause I wasn't sure which member to ask to help fellowship with Laura (the mother) As Evan and Winnie (The Kids) were playing the piano I sat by them and played my guitar with them.

Eventually Terry and 小土豆(Xiao TuDou) joined with us and TuDou starts talking with Evan and we all were having a good time, and that made me SUPER happy. And then I look out in the back of the chapel and see Laura SURROUNDED by members and friends. And they were straight up talking for a very long time. I didn't even have to ask a member to help out, they were ON it. EpiC.

That was my Christmas miracle. I promise you that this family will enter into the fold of God very soon. ️happy Christmas️ —Elder Johnson First pic our good 'ol friend (GuDong) he cooks good he's also on date for baptism. 3rd pic CHristmas pj's

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