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Feliz lunes todos! Mon, Aug 29, 2022

Updated: Oct 11, 2022

I don't have much time to write, my pday didn't exactly go according to plan today haha

This week was awesome, albiet tiring. We got rained on a lot, which hasn't happened in a while. Doesn't even rain much these days, we just happened to be walking between appointments every time it did.

I got to visit Teculutan on splits again, which is always an experience. It's gorgeous, the members are super strong, and they all gave us food. This time around is was platano, cooked in milk and cinnamon, accompanied with queso Seco.

Speaking of food, I found out that in our backyard, there's sugar cane (along with the mango, papaya, guanabana and lime trees, and assortment of other delicious foods that grow there) And my comp showed me how to eat it (more like suck the sugar water out of it) It was pretty dang good. This house is great.

Oh! Another reason Estanzuela is great-- I found a waffle iron tossed in a corner, and it totally works. Made some delicious waffles the other day.

We've been working hard this week with the members, and man have we seen fruits. We started up soccer nights, and we already have a new investigator that amber brought, as well as 2 inactive members who might come to church Sunday. Best of all, a member of the ward council told us she wanted us to teach her daughter, who's 10. The problem always was that the father wouldn't give permission (he's catholic) but we have gained his confidence and the daughter asked him without any pressure on our part (or the moms) to let her be baptized, and he said yes.

I love the members here in Estanzuela. It's a young branch, so there are so many converts. I love hearing their stories and their faith.

Quick spiritual thought- because of the experience with the member's daughter, I was thinking a lot about miracles I've seen in my mission. I realized that almost none of my converts have been people that I found by asking for references from all the members or knocking doors or contacting in public for hours.

What happens is we work super hard, find a lot of people, some of them progress, others don't. And once we take steps to go above and beyond, truly work with "all our might, mind, and strength" the Lord puts people in our path who are prepared to hear.

In other words, by grace we see miracles, after all we can do. That doesn't just apply to the Mission, but to life. After we show the Lord that we are willing to do everything we can-- after we try every idea, work every angle, give it our all -- the Lord does the work. He sends his angels, He parts the sea, He makes our burdens light; and we are left without a doubt that the Lord has worked a miracle in our lives.

Because as a missionary, it's fairly obvious that we cannot accomplish this great work. It's just too much to do. I have never changed someone, never convinced them to change their beliefs. Only the Lord can do that. And he does it all the time, when we act in faith, and give him our all.

I'm out of time, but if you want to hear more about what Im doing out here in Guatemala, write me I love you all, hope you're all doing great

Elder Telford

Arcoiris 🌈



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