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God’s Hand

Recently street contacting has been tough, but just a few days ago we were catching a bus home and on the bus I saw this Chinese mom with her 15 year old son and 12 year old daughter. I talked with her about church and how it's all centered on Jesus Christ and family. She was really interested! After getting her phone number and walking off the bus me and Elder Byerly were just sOO thankful. It was the best feeling over. She was supER elect.

Few days later we give her a call. She picks up, but is too busy. But she said that she'll call us back.

I look at my comp and basically say, "If she's truly elect she'll call us back."

(Basically I doubted)

But as I'm in the washroom, my comp bangs on the door and says that she called back!! We were literally so happy.

We set up an appointment to give her a chapel tour. Unfortunately she had a doctor's appointment and could not come to church. But it was awesome! She brought her kids, we showed her around, introduced the Branch President to her, and he got her 微信 (wechat.

Chinese messaging app)

The best part is is that the kids are not shy, they are upbeat, active, and funny. (Apparently her kids play the piano)

so I asked them if they wanted to play the piano, and for this young of an age they are super good. For like 20 minutes we were just talking having fun and building trust and friendship the whole time. It was fantastic.

That was the greatest miracle that has happened this week.

For Sacrament meeting our friend Yao Wang (who was just baptized) blessed the Sacrament. I felt the Spirit so much as he said the prayer. It was amazing.

As a mission we have a goal to baptize 200 people this year and so far we are currently at 206 (or somewhere near that) All I know is that we passed it, and the year isn't even over yet!

Literally saw so much miracles this week, it was kinda slow at first but boy did it pick up speed.

If you made it this far I was just wanna say when life is slow, miracles are around the corner. We just have to have that desire to find those miracles. God's hand is in our every day lives.


—Elder Johnson

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