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Good Morning America! Conference is Comin!

Hello Everybody! It's been a loooong time since I've talked to yall.

So another transfer has come and gone. Elder Child was a suuuuper cool comp, I'm glad I got to spend a transfer with him, definitely learned a lot! On top of all the things we learned and people we taught, we also played a lot of golf with members. I'm kinda good at it now??? That's cool.

I'm with Elder Marler now! This is his last transfer, so we're gonna make it memorable before he gets home. We've got some good things going on, there's a member who has been struggling with reconciling his faith with understanding why God let's bad things happen to hood people. We had one of the most spiritual lessons of my LIFE there, and we testified of agency and the Plan of Salvation. So

there's potential there :D. Also we taught a sweet lady named Val who wanted some service done, but it just turned out she needed help making a playlist on Spotify. So we helped her with that haha. Still, we taught her! And she liked it! So we are meeting with her later this week.

Highlight: we got a visit from an APOSTLE OF GOD. Elder Soares came to our mission this Saturday, along with Elder Gimenez of the 70. They had some super cool messages for us!

What I got from the Soares devotional is that commitments are important, both our individual commitments and our commitments we extend to our friends we teach. If we can get people to truly commit to the gospel, then they will get baptized, so helping them commit to the invitations we extend is paramount. Also, if we stay committed to our own purpose, both on our mission and on this earth, he promised that everything would fall into place for our lives.

Hearing from an apostle of God was great! And in a few weeks, we will ALL be able to hear from an apostle! So my invitation is for all of yall to PREPARE for that! Prepare to know how you'll share what you learned with the world!

Anyway! I love you all! See you next week! I promise I'll write more consistently!

- Elder Hatch

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