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Got Transfered

Hiya everybody! It's been a wild week!

Transfers happened! I had to say goodbye to Redwing (sad) and Elder Harper (devastating) and now I'm in New Brighton with Elder Gardner (amazing).

I've been here only a few days but it seem pretty good! It's definitely a lot busier, we had a bunch of lessons Saturday, and they went pretty well, lots of interesting characters here. The ward seems fun, I'm excited to get to know them.

This week I was thinking about the Anti Nephi-Lehites in the book of Alma.

"And now it came to pass that when the king had made an end of these sayings, and all the people were assembled together, they took their swords, and all the weapons which were used for the shedding of man’s blood, and they did bury them up deep in the earth. 18 And this they did, it being in their view a testimony to God, and also to men, that they never would use weapons again for the shedding of man’s blood; and this they did, vouching and covenanting with God, that rather than shed the blood of their brethren they would give up their own lives; and rather than take away from a brother they would give unto him; and rather than spend their days in idleness they would labor abundantly with their hands."

It made me think. What weapons of rebellion do I have that I should bury? Is it not being obidient? Not forgiving somebody?

This week I invite you all to maybe think about what "weapons of rebellion" that you have in your life, that you could bury. Try to find something small you can do to improve yourself and your attitude towards others and the lord!

That's all for this week! Bed is coming fast! Love yall! Talk to you next week!

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