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Hi it's me again

Aloha everyone! My oh my it's been a minute! This transfer is flying by faster than the last! So to update you all, I got a new companion that I'm currently training. Her name is Sister Smith! She is awesome! We're definitely learning a lot from each other! I hit my year mark on the mission last week! It's crazy how fast it's going! It's really amazing to see just how much my testimony has grown out here. I don't mean to say that in a bragging way, I'm just so so thankful for the gospel. I've seen the difference it makes in peoples lives vs when they don't have the gospel. I'm thankful for the many opportunities I have to share my testimony with others, because it brings me joy knowing that the gospel is a message a hope and joy for everyone! Tbh I had a lot I was going to say, but I accidentally erased it all and I don't have the energy to rewrite everything... why they gotta put the "cut" so close to the "copy"

The work is going! We're teaching this girl Elena and she is awesome! She just got married and her husband's a member! She wants to read the entire Book of Mormon before praying about it, and we just put her on date for September 6th! She's the cutest Romanian I've ever met! (And the only one I've ever met)

Also the reason I didn't write last week is because we changed our pday to go to the temple on Friday! It was a blast! I love the temple so much! We went as a district! I love our district and zone. #dabest I'm not sure if I've mentioned Kekoa already, but he is someone we were teaching with the APs, but we passed him off to them because they're over the YSA and he's around that age.

Kekoa is literally thE most tender human being! He recently made the decision to be baptized! He wrote a poem about his conversion story and asked me to make a song out of his lyrics. I told him I would try! If you know me you know I tend to procrastinate.. so I did until like 2 days before his baptism. I finally started working on a melody and chords on the guitar. Except nothing sounded good and I started to stress a bit. But sister Smith suggested we say a prayer, so we did! As soon as we finished, the right chords popped into my head, and we came up with the song that night!

The next me and sister McCune practiced twice, and we performed it at his baptism the day after that! Just another testimony builder of prayer!! Always put faith and works together! Sorry this email was literally erased and badly re-written, but I love you all so much! -Sister Johnson The baptism pic is Kekoa, the rest you can figure out or ask me haha

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