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How Youth Create an Activity in the new Children and Youth Program

This past year, we have grown together as a ward and transitioned from the pandemic era into a more social environment once again. Still, many of us are transitioning in to how to get outside of our homes more, and spend less time on the inward activities whatever they might be, to instead be face to face with and help people of all ages, with service, and to make more friends and build lasting relationships with people we serve.

We have a new Children and Youth program that is designed to help us do just that, even as families to being families closer together. It is not like it used to be, where kids could be dropped off at the church and adult leaders had everything prepared for them, making it much more passive for the youth when it comes to any leadership opportunities.It's different now and the information about this is contained in this blog entry.

I want to invite you, youth and adults, parents and leaders, to look over this information I found on the website pertaining to the new principles in the new program for children and youth, and although this blog entry is not exhaustive of all the resources available to learn it, this is a great jump start. Sometimes we need to regroup, recharge our batteries, and not give up when we fall short of our goals or expectations, or when things didn't turn out like we expected. I remember retaking some college classes when I failed to put in the proper effort to get an A. No fun taking a class twice. But I did get an easy A the second time around.

What we need is a constant correction course, turning our compass once again north towards the plans laid out for us by Jesus Christ thorough His Apostles and Prophets. Here we go!

Service and Activity Guidelines for Youth.

The principles and guidelines in the Children and Youth Program are intended to help youth and adult leaders as they counsel together in planning meaningful service opportunities and wholesome, fun activities. These principles and guidelines can also be used as a resource in stake, ward, and youth council meetings.

Shown below is a Detailed Service and Activity Plan to help you formulate the details of making a plan, and having individual assignments made so that the activity is successful and meets the intended goal or purpose. Quorum and Class Leaders, please review this with your parents. The first questions to ask ourselves are:

Why are we doing this activity? How does it meet the needs of our group? How will it help us become more like the Savior?

Take a look at the form below, or download the PDF file of this right next to it.

We will be using

<<< this form

for developing our future activities. We need to prepare at least a 3 month plan at a time. As you can see, this is a bit like a homework assignment, and it will take some time to develop each plan fully. It should be done in Presidency Meetings, which should be held once a week.

You the YW Class Presidency and you the AP Quorum Presidencies will be working with each in your own quorum or group to come up with 3 months worth, or about 10 or 12 service / activity plans.

The YW have only one group so you will be making 10 or 12 plans. Please coordinate about 1 per month to be combined with the YM. We can discuss this particular activity in our MONTHLY Bishop Youth Council meeting, held right after church on the 4th Sunday in the Bishop's office, 12:15 pm. This is for the presidents of each class only, with the exception of Priests Quorum where the 1st Assistant is invited. Coming up, Bishop's Youth Council meetings are on August 28, 2022, then Sept. 25, and so on every 4th Sunday after church, 12:15 pm...

The AP Quorums have 3 groups, and these will be shared, so that each quorum will have between 3 and 6 plans to develop, with the Deacons having the lesser assignment.

Think about this! 😊. I mean, really think about it. As we shape our lives to be what Jesus wants us to be, we are doing His will. Think about how much I have had to shape my own life this past year to try and be the bishop He wants me to be, and how much I have fallen short, and still keep trying to go back, try again, improve some more. This is a constant correction course, for all of us. We can do this!


Let's go over some of the Principles relating to our service and activities in this program.

It looks like the Savior wants the youth to step up to a responsible charge of the service and the activities. Here is the main principle of this:

Activities should be planned and carried out by quorum and class leaders, with support from adult advisers.

So you can clearly see the change here. The adult advisers do not plan the activities, nor do they carry it out. The youth do. The Quorum and Class Leaders.

And we adult leaders are trying very hard to let the youth lead, but the youth need to also understand what it is that the Savior wants them to do. He wants them to step up to a higher level. In the Book of Mormon, there was Mormon at age 15 who went out and preached repentance to the people, his nation, because he felt impressed to do that. He also led the nation as the leader of the armies at age 16. Surely he was special, but you get the picture, if Mormon could do that, we can organize, plan, and carry out an activity for our ward.

Activities should:

  • Strengthen the rising generation’s faith in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and help youth and their families progress along the covenant path as they meet life’s challenges.

  • Help youth accomplish the work of salvation and exaltation (see General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [2020], 1.2,

  • Provide youth with support and belonging by strengthening quorum and class unity and by building their relationships with peers, leaders, and families.

  • Provide balanced opportunities for youth to serve others and to develop spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually (see Luke 2:52).

  • Provide experiences that help young men and young women prepare to fulfill their divine roles.

  • Follow all Church safety and other policies and guidelines (see


  1. The following guidelines may be adapted to local circumstances, under the direction of local leaders:

    • Hold service and activities weekly where possible. Service and activities can be held less frequently based on the needs and circumstances of quorum and class members but should be held at least monthly.

    • Develop a calendar for at least three months in advance. This will ensure that a balanced variety of purposeful and challenging activities, based on the principles above, are planned to meet the needs of individual quorum and class members.

    • Seek out opportunities for youth to provide meaningful service to individuals, families, and the community. Consider the needs and interests of each quorum and class member while encouraging them to reach out beyond themselves.

    • Because combined activities with young men and young women are particularly beneficial, hold them monthly where possible. Combined activities for older youth could be held more frequently.

    • Give youth opportunities to attend conferences and camps:

      • Youth turning age 14 and older will attend one FSY conference every other year. Youth conferences and treks may take place in years when an FSY conference is not held.

      • Young Women camps and Aaronic Priesthood quorum camps may be held annually.

      • Additional overnight camps and activities may also be held. For young men, three to six additional overnight camps or activities each year are encouraged, where feasible.

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