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I got kicked out of my mission

Aloha everyone! I don't even know how to start this lol...In my mission, they have something we call outbound and that's where we transfer back to the Honolulu mission, and serve on a different part of the island, or possibly other islands for a few transfers. We'll see! Hopefully that made sense haha

Well the time has come! I was sent out to Honolulu Tuesday morning (I'll be serving here in the citay )

My new companion is Sister McCune! She is the absolute best!!

I've only been here a week and I love it so far! I didn't think I would to be honest, but I have the best comp and seriously the best zone!

I've been called to be a follow-up trainer, and an STL! I've received like no training on how to do that so that's a wee bit freaky lol. But it's been good so far! We are covering 2 wards which is slightly overwhelming at times just because in one of the wards, the previous Elders didn't log anything in areabook... but that's okay! We're cleaning it up this transfer! And that ward has a Chinese group!! Like the only one here! So it's definitely by devine design that I was called to serve in the Makiki ward as well!

First day here, we went and hit up choke dots! (That means a lot of people) Also choke referrals! We've had a few lessons with the referrals we got! It's been really fun, and we've seen quite a few miracles!

We knocked on one door looking for someone named Jean, and this little Asian kid opens the door and he starts yelling at his grandma to get out of the shower, so we were like "we can come back! But tell her the missionaries stopped by!"

He didn't know what that meant so I asked him if he knew Jesus. He said "I know outer space! Same thing!" Haha what a cutie bean. Can't wait to teach him all about Jesus later!

Something amazing that happened this week was when we went to church! After Sacrament and we start talking to the 2 Chinese friends that came to church for the first time. So we're chatting it up and I look over at Sister Roy (the lady who's over the Chinese group) and she's tearing up! She says "you have no idea how long I've been praying for a Chinese speaking missionary to come teach these people.) So that was super special! I got both their numbers and we're going to try to meet this week! One of them wanted to know why we were missionaries, and wanted to know more about our church! What an amazing miracle! I know I'm gonna have to step it up, but I know that the Lord will be there every step of the way!

I love you all! I have like no time today, so I will see if I can be better at writing these throughout the week so they're more organized haha. Have a fantastic week!


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