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I invite you to do the inspired scripture reading idea! It works!

Aloha peeps it's been a while! Last pday was the craziest pday I've ever had! So while I was planning on writing an email, there quite literally was no time. Apologies.

Transfers happened and I'm living in the same house, same ward and same companion (Sista Birchell) except I'm the district leader now! Scary but cool stuff! I did pray for more opportunities to open my mouth and boy did I get what I prayed for. I don't really love being a leader and teaching, but I think that's exactly why I was called to be one. My testimony has grown so much just from the 2 district councils I have taught (we have district council once a week)!

One of the trainings we had for district council was how to receive personal revelation, and how we apply it in our missionary work.

Towards the end we all opened our scripture to wherever we felt inspired to read from, sat in silence, and listened for what the spirit was trying to teach us. Then we would write the impressions that we got in our journals. It was amazing to see that in just those 10 minutes I had so much to write about. I felt like I could hardly read enough before another thought would come to my mind about how I could be better, or what I could do!

I'll be honest the whole first 2 pages I read were solely about humility annd I thought I was already pretty humble.. Just kidding lol. Something cool that stood out to me was that the world sees humility as weakness. God sees humility as teachable. He's so willing to help us grow if we would simply humble ourselves first! Then will he make weak things become strong! (Ether 12:27)

Lately me and sister Birchell have been rejected/ghosted left and right. We were at the VC and and were excited for the last few trams to come in! First family comes in, we talk, show them the temple model, have good conversations, etc. Everything was going great until we asked them if they wanted to learn more. The mood suddenly changed and they said they just wanted to get back on the tram. Wouldn't even take the free postcards

Same thing happened with the next couple, and me and Sister Birchell were like "we have to find at least one friend that wants to listen to us!" The last tram came, and we did! This family came and they just had this calm/peaceful aura about them. Sister Birchell was teaching the mom, but I noticed the dad couldn't hear, so I started talking to him about the temple and the BoM. I asked him if he wanted to read it and he said he would! I gave him the book and he was like "Oh really, you're giving me your book?" It was cool to see the amount of reverence and respect he had for it without even reading it!

I was thankful for that miracle. I felt like I stumbled on my words a lot, but something one of the sisters told me is: "If they're prepared, you can't mess it up." And I've seen that to be true.

I love you all! Have the best week! I invite you to do the inspired scripture reading idea! It works! Until probably next week,


Picturess! No time, so good luck!!

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