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I'm not anywhere near perfect, but my testimony is constantly being strengthened!

🎵 I'm feeling 22 🎵

Ohlo my peeps! Yes I'm now officially an old lady. Disgusting. But this week was pretty good! I got lots of birthday wishes and had ice cream cones while I got sung happy birthday to! I also got to "blow out" sister Millar's flashlight candle lol.

Monday was a crazy busy day! We had our missionary training meeting, TC, then had 2 hours set aside to detail our car so we could sell it, then found out we would be getting a brand new 2022 Equinox! Let's gooo! But the Tiwi wasn't installed yet so we drove the ZL Elder's car to our PCC shift then got smoothies after in our new car! It was also sister Adamson's birthday! Wooo she's also feeling 22! Haha

Last week was the Relief society's birthday! So we got to go to that for sister Millar and Adamson's ward. So much fun! And so much food! We learned how to Hula afterwards, and I realized how horrible I am at dancing

We also had a good member meet with a family here! We called them because they never responded after we called and set up a time to meet them. So we called one last time and they answered! We asked if we could share a message with them right then and they said yes!

So we walked over to their house and came up with a message in like 30 seconds it was crazy! But it felt right. So we met them, shared our message about family history and the wife said that she had been thinking about that all week! So it was cool to see that it was a spirit led message!

Speaking of the spirit! Yesterday morning we had district council at the VC! We watched the Restoration and boy I cry so much every time I watch it. SO good! At first I was crying because of all the hard things Joseph, Emma and the saints had to go through. But towards the end when Joseph Smith is riding the horse to Carthage Jail, I felt this weird sense of peace. It struck me how prepared he was to meet God. No fear in his eyes. "I go like a lamb to the slaughter." It made me think of myself. Would I be calm knowing I was going to die for what I believed in? I think so, but I'm not entirely sure.

I am so grateful for the sacrifices Joseph Smith and his family made so that we could have the knowledge that we have today. I have a firm testimony that he IS a true prophet of God and that the Church of Jesus Christ was restored on the earth because of his faith.

I'm not anywhere near perfect, but my testimony is constantly being strengthened by studying the principles of the gospel. Even studying a small amount every day keeps our focus on HIM where it should be.



1. Our first fatty ROACH in our pad

2. Cute birb

3. 22 sounds weird

4. VC life

5. Bored at the TC

6-9. We got Smoothies for sis Adamson's Bday, and took pics with these bootiful horsies!!

10. Blowing out my "candle"

11. Love my compie!

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