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I'm not crying, you are

Hi gang! It's been slow here in the land of boot factories and not a whole lot else. Transfers are this week, I'm hoping I can stay one more transfer here but whatever happens happens.

We said goodbye today to Elder Fifita, who's going off to New Zealand. Elder Larson and I may have cried, although it may have just been really dusty in the car because we all know us missionaries are too manly to cry.

I'll have to keep this short, as it is late. But this week I was thinking about prayer. It's so cool that everyone has the power to talk to God. Like, the actual real life creator of the universe, and we can speak to him! And he cares! About each one of us as individuals and we are so blessed to have this in our lives!

So this week I invite you to make your prayers meaningful! Think about what you want actually matters to you and what you want to talk to God about. I promise he wants to hear it from you and he will send you answers in ways you never thought.

Sorry for the short message! Love you all! See you next week!

-Elder Hatch

Pictures are of exchanges

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