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Miracles and Mangos! 🥭

Updated: Jun 30, 2022

This week has been so amazing! So I'm allergic to mangos.. I reacted to having mangos from last week, and we have been working hard regardless! The rash from the mangos made my face break out, and it was not comfortable. But! I've been staying positive and we have had a lot of success this week! We had our first lesson with our 2 new Chinese friends and one of them brought his 21 year old son! So we taught all 3 of them the first lesson in Chinese! It was amazing! I was scared because I had never done a lesson in Chinese on my mission until now, but it was a special experience and opportunity! My Chinese didn't sound too bad, and Sister McCune is so amazing! We roleplayed the lesson right before going over, and the whole time I was so glad we did! I would teach a principle in Chinese, and she would teach the next bullet point while I translated. Such a cool experience!!

I think someone's tryina kill me tho because the Chinese guy's back yard had a GIANT mango tree. So we're sitting there teaching the lesson and it's raining forbidden fruit from the sky, exploding on impact. Literally insane. But sO worth it! We felt the spirit so strong during the lesson, and Freeland (our friend) says he believes what we believe and thinks our church is the right one! He's amazing! We're so excited to keep teaching him and his family!!

We've seen a few more miracles, but I guess they come at a price these days because every member meal we have been given mangos! Haha.

I don't have a whole lot of time but I am doing great! We're busy in the work and it feels great to be doing so much! Love you all! Have an amazing week!


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