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One Conference down


This week was pretty full. We got to teach a guy who's a student from China named Shicheng. Of course, we didn't speak Chinese, but a member from the YSA ward named Youchi did!

He helped us teach and it was honestly one of the best lessons I've been a part of. He's only been baptized a year and is already getting ready to turn in his mission papers, he's honestly gonna be the best missionary ever.

Also this week was CONFERENCE! One down, three more to go before I'm home!

There were so many good speakers there and I took more notes than I've ever taken, I guess being on a mission does that to you haha.

I really appreciated President Nelson's talk. I feel like the world needs more understanding and peace.

I believe is was Peter Capaldi's Doctor Who that said "to hate is always foolish, and to love is always wise". It can be really frustrating to live in this world, especially when it's becoming increasingly difficult to avoid people with opinions contrary to ours. Because of that, it is increasingly important to learn how to deal with them in the best way possible: to love them.

Christlike love will take us to places we'd never think possible and never guess we'd go. Love is the most powerful weapon we have against the adversary, and this week, I invite you to learn to utilize it to your best ability. Try a few times this week to, when prompted to start contention, respond with kindness instead. Maybe it will be a little hard, but I promise you the effort will be worth it and draw you closer to Christ. And remember to track your progress! Write down how it went or talk about it with a friend or family! See how it feels!

I love yall! Have a good Easter!

Elder Hatch


Basically all watching conference, or just the District. (In the last one I decided to stand out :))

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