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One of the most important things to do on a mission (and in life) is to write in your journal often.

I haven't seen huge miracles since my last email. But I have felt (through lots of prayer and fasting) that something big is about to happen. Especially at our new basketball activity on Thursdays,

There's a guy named Lewis, and I met him almost 2 weeks ago.

I was playing piano, and Lewis came in and seemed very interested, and we talked for a bit. He was very nice, and he's got a light in him. This upcoming Thursday I'm thinking of inviting him to hear a message from us. I can tell that he would love to hear from us.

I hope he comes.


Transfers the same, except we movin to my old apartment.


One of the most important things to do on a mission (and in life) is to write in your journal often.

Sometimes I feel discouraged. But when I read in my journal, I see all the good I've done.

A journal holds the foundation of your testimony.

It's an anchor.


Literally today I played pickleball for like… 5 hours

I'm hungry, tired, and had to carry HEavy groceries afterwards.

And as we're in the metro station, my companion, Elder Knorpp looks over to a group of 3 girls and points out to me that they're Chinese.

I was like "cool"

A little part of me was like "Woo…. Missionary opportunity"

But a hUge part of me was like,

"NOT interested, bye."

I was just super exhausted, and gave in to the Natural man.

Anyways, Elder Knorpp starts talking to them, and asks them where they are from. And later on, I started having a one on one conversation with one of the Chinese girls.

And usually, my Chinese is broken. But at that moment, my chinese was just popping off.

(I take no credit, all credit goes to Heavenly Father)

Anyways, she asked me "What do you Missionaries even do?"

I told her that our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ, to serve others, and honestly just have a good time.

And we had a long decent conversation about life.

Anyways, we got their social media, and invited them to badminton. AWEsum.

Anyways, I later repented for my (Lack of desire) to talk to these people.

It was worth it, and I am grateful for my companion who easily starts conversations.

That's all folks.Peace

Elder Johnson

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