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Aloha everyone! Wow it's been a wild ride!

We received our transfer news Saturday night and we were sooo nervous. Sister McCune is literally thE best!! Not only do I love her and want her to stay, we have some baptisms coming up that we both need to be here for!! I was pretty sure I'd be staying in the Makiki ward with the Chinese group, but we weren't sure about Sis McCune. She's staying in H town baby!! We literally cried we were so happy! She'll be leaving Makiki and Manoa ward tho :'( but she'll still be in the stake (and everywhere around H town) so I'll see her all the time

I'm staying in both wards and am going to be training a new Sister fresh out of the mtc! I'm so excited but also a little nervy.. training is a lot of responsibility. You're their first introduction to everything about being a missionary, and to top it off, I don't know who I'm training yet! Also lots of Elders and a few Sisters in our zone are being transferred out which is really sad. Im gonna miss our og zone so much, but I'm stoked for this next transfer! We're going to be learning lots together!

And we're getting kicked out of our pad. And I don't know which pad I'm moving into tomorrow, haha. Guess I'll find everything out tomorrow!

As far as the work went this week, we wanted to mostly tie a bunch of loose ends with our wards and visit all the people who fell through the cracks. We've been setting up choke meetings (that means a lot) and most have canceled on us which is sad, but we're not giving up on them!

Okay long story but I'll try to make it short. So the APs are teaching this guy named Kekoa (he's so sweet! Literally our bestie) and we sometimes get to join in on his lessons, so we asked if we could join the one they had planned that day, and we got really strong vibes that we weren't supposed to be there, so we didn't go. We were so confused because we were excited to go, but we followed the spirit and ended up tracting an apartment complex in the Makiki area. After a while of knocking door to door, a man in 302 answered our knock! (For privacy reasons it's not actually 302 I just thought it sounded nice lol) We introduced ourselves, and asked if he would be interested in learning more about our church. He said he would love to and that he had a few friends who were members but never told him anything about the church. So we set up a time to meet and had our first lesson with William this past week! He is so amazing! We felt the spirit throughout the entire lesson and invited him to read the BoM and pray to know if it was true. He said "I can't promise I'll finish it by tomorrow, but I would love to read it!'

I'm just glad we listened to the promting to go tract some apartments in Makiki because if we didn't, we wouldn't have met William! He's ready and excited to learn more! I know that the Lord puts people like him into our path! I need to be better at recognizing those spiritual impressions, but don't we all wish we were a little better? That's part of our purpose, we strive to improve ourselves each day. I know as we continue to realign our will with God's, we will begin to see changes in our lives, big or small.

Sorry this email has been all over the place! I love you all, and hope you're all doing fantastic!


(I may skip some pics)

1. Jammin our hearts out

3. Laughing cause I'm 'bout to get blOwn away

4. Sister Driggs! One of the sisters who used to serve here!

5. Happy fourth selfie!

6. Can't remember if I put our last island conference pic with the Walkers so here it is!

7. "Is her back okay?"

8. Us having a breakdown after being yelled and cussed at for no reason lol

9. Ran into the Elders in our zone while visiting a referral lol

11. We tried to make little octopuses.. we didn't get very far haha

13. The sweetest lady called us beautiful, gave us water, and 20 bucks! What an angel! #soblessed

14. We got our Chinese name tags!!

16. Happy 4th to da uso gang!

18. The Elders valiantly changing a tire

The rest.. you can interpret!! Love u all!!

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