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We are so grateful that the Lord truly does know us, and he does have plans that we may not realize

The Lord knows us.

When we were set apart as Full Time Missionaries, we also received a blessing as all new missionaries do. I remember being told that I would feel very much at home in my assignments but that we would also be assigned to a computer program that would stretch us. This month we were assigned to help correct and add information to the new Biographical Database of the church as they combined the Pioneer and Missionary databases into one large database. Our specific assignments were to Work on the Backend of the Pioneer Part of the Database and add all the First Presidency missionary calls and recommendations in the Church History Library catalog as new sources to the database.

We are experiencing growth pains as we learn to work on the backend of a program as well as stretch our patience as we struggle through the changes being made. It does make for interesting days since things seem to change every day. How comforting it is to know that the Lord knew this would be something we would be doing before we even left home and because of that Knowledge we know that we will succeed. We are so grateful that the Lord truly does know us, and he does have plans that we may not realize at the time we accept a call. How many times over the years have we accepted callings with a bit of reservation and trepidation and yet in the End the Lord has blessed our efforts and helped or maybe forced us to grow in ways we never thought of. It has often been said that the Lord doesn’t always consider our ability, but he does consider our willingness and helps us to accomplish the impossible. We are learning about the vast resources and small treasures of history available to each of us in the Church History Library and have daily opportunities to see great lessons of faith in the everyday lives of our own LDS ancestors.

On a side note one of the advantages of being a senior missionary in the Salt Lake City Headquarters Mission is the opportunity to visit the Family History Library at least once a week if we so choose and a weekly trip to one of the temples in the Valley. It is always a treat to be in a new temple and to walk outside after the session and see the lights of three different temples at the same time. We enjoy serving with the 62 missionaries in our zone and look forward to serving them in the coming months as we learn to serve as assistant zone leaders in our area of the Mission.

We love the missionaries we serve with and being able to meet the missionaries we served with in Georgia on a regular basis.

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