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We watched a dog

Hello everybody! You're all great and I love you

Alright SO this week we had a few interesting things happen.

We got to go to MLC (mission leadership conference) because President Richardson wanted the district leaders and their companions to go this time (my comp is the District Leader by the way) and that was really good, I got to see all of my old companions (no pictures unfortunately).

Friday we babysat a dog in the park for like a half hour for the sisters, because THEY had to watch the dog for a member but they had a lesson so we had to cover for them for a bit. That was strange. But fun!

We also got to help people register at a charity bike race for service, so we basically just got to hang out with missionaries for a few hours while helping people out. That was great.

Other than that, nothing else really

Spiritual thought:

Communication is muy importante. Jesus Christ, in his lifetime, had to communicate a lot. From parables, to reprimands in the temple, to commandments, to prayers, he had a lot Of things he needed To communicate. And you'll notice he took great care in how he communicated these things. When he was giving commandments or when he was teaching people he was always sure to do so with love. And he was always sure to do so in the way that would best fit the individual he was teaching.

I invite you to reevaluate your communication with others this week. See how you can better speak about and with other people that you love, and try to give your ideas in a way that they will understand. Additionally, I invite you to spend more time listening. Try to understand the core of what they are trying to tell you, and seek first to understand, and then to be understood. I promise as you do so, you will be able to experience more care and love in your relationships, as well as greater understanding for your fellow men.

That's all for this week! I love you all! Ciao!


We got some born again Christians stopping by while we were gone

The popcorn is in fact popping on the trees

The dog we watched

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